******** GV Account mod v1.0 ******** Credits: Strider - Credit Class/GV/Discount Coupons v5.10 Proetorian - (Provided stripped down code needed from "Header Code" mod v1.0) GD - GV Account mod v1.0 **************************************** ---IMPORTANT STEP--- Make a BACKUP of your: catalog/includes/languages/add_ccgvdc_english.php catalog/includes/languages/english.php catalog/includes/languages/english/account.php catalog/account.php ********START OF INSTALLATION********* Open catalog/includes/languages/add_ccgvdc_english.php and english.php (Just in case) Add: define('GV_ACCOUNT_TITLE', 'Gift Vouchers / Coupons'); ========================================================================== Open catalog/includes/languages/account.php Add: define('GV_ACCOUNT_EMPTY', 'Tip: If you do not see your Gift Voucher/Coupon information in the box above, you either do not have credits in your Gift Voucher account, or we are not currently running a Coupon Sale.

Once you purchase a Gift Voucher and it has been released for your use, which it will after we receive full payment. You will then see your balance above.'); Note: Change this text to your liking. ========================================================================== Open catalog/account.php STEP:1, Find: Change to: Note: Change this part of the script to suit your wishes: width=500,height=500,screenX=150,screenY=100,top=100,left=150 ========================================================================== STEP:2, Then find lines 220 - 225: Change to:

0 ) { echo '                       ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'arrow_green.gif', ''), ' ' . VOUCHER_BALANCE . ' ' . $currencies->format($gv_result['amount']) . '
'; echo '                       ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'arrow_green.gif', ''), ' ' . '' . BOX_SEND_TO_FRIEND . ''; } } if (tep_session_is_registered('gv_id')) { $gv_query = tep_db_query("select coupon_amount from " . TABLE_COUPONS . " where coupon_id = '" . $gv_id . "'"); $coupon = tep_db_fetch_array($gv_query); echo tep_draw_separator() . ' ' . VOUCHER_REDEEMED . ' ' . $currencies->format($coupon['coupon_amount']); } if (tep_session_is_registered('cc_id') && $cc_id) { echo '                       ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'arrow_green.gif', ''), ' ' . CART_COUPON . ' ' . '' . CART_COUPON_INFO . ''; } // ADDED FOR CREDIT CLASS GV END ADDITTION ?>

********END OF INSTALLATION********* That's all, Save and upload all four files and see if it works. P.S. I added " " instead of the images to cut down on bandwidth use, you can do the same for the other account images if you wish. Note: If you do not have a active coupon or GV balance the Gift Voucher / Coupon Box on the account page will be empty, but there will be some text to explain that. ==========================================================================